b.jira 21.13 now available

b.jira 21.13 now available

b.jira 21.13 Release Notes


New features

Summary Description
Include / Exclude projects when synching

In Jira Setup you can set up a “Project Synch. Filter Type”, depending on the type you select the system will,


Type = “ “
synchronize all projects available in the provided Jira instance.

Type = Include
synchronize only the projects that are explicitly entered in the “Jira Synch. Project Filters”.

Type = Exclude
synchronize all projects except the projects that are entered in the “Jira Synch. Project Filters”.


Depending on the value of the “Project Synch. Filter Type”, the page header will say “Exclude” or “Include” Projects.

When decreasing the list of included or increasing the list of excluded projects after synchronization, the system will keep the projects, that were already synchronized but will not update those projects anymore.


Summary Description
Deleted Jira Users were sometimes not deleted in Business Central

In some cases deleting Jira users would not update the Jira User list in Business Central.

"Not invoice relevant" recalculate after synch.

In certain cases the “not invoice relevant” value of tempo accounts was overwritten after synchronization.

Not all Time Sheets were updated

In some cases Time Sheets were created for the wrong dates. This was caused by a Microsoft bug in the Time Sheets creation routine.
